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Arrowcreek Pickleball NEWS

Published on 8/10/2019
On Saturday, July 20th the club hosted a morning of open play followed by lunch and our annual meeting.  Twenty three club members came out at 8:00 a.m. to play and enjoy the beautiful summer day.  At 10:30 we sauntered down to the park and enjoyed a complimentary lunch followed by our meeting.

There have been some big changes in the past year and we wanted to let everyone know what is happening.  Several members of the Board have resigned, including our club founder, Kate Whitley, who had to step down for personal reasons.  Only three Board Members remained, so we needed to recruit new ones.  The following people were elected to the board for the coming year:  Kay Sedlak, Susan Julien, Christine Klay and Lea Unruh.  Steve Buntin, Don Unruh and Mary Ann Gaebe were re-elected.  Our new officers are Mary Ann, Preseident; Susan Julien, Vice-President; Kay Sedlak, Secretary; and Lea Unruh, Treasurer.  Don will continue to manage our website.

Maggie Boose has volunteered to coordinate classes for beginners, which will be similar to Kate's "Oil Can" series.  Several members volunteered to help with the classes.  We hope you will come out and give it a try!  Go to and check us out.  We have a Round Robin Tournament coming up in September and some skills and drills training also.  If you are interested in becoming a member contact me at
Mary Ann Gaebe, President